Title: From Indie Dev to Indie BizDev: How to Successfully Market Your Game on an Indie Budget
To become a successful indie game developer, you must also become a successful indie game marketer. Trouble is, for many indies, marketing doesn’t come naturally or fit the indie budget. No worries! This presentation outlines the most frugal, yet successful marketing tactics to help you transform your skill set beyond development and into areas.
Emmy Jonassen is an independent video game marketing consultant, freelance writer, speaker, and now, co-founder and CMO of Snow Cannon Games, an indie publisher committed to helping underserved developers reach broader audiences and publish financially successful titles. Emmy is also the founder of Indie Game Girl, a blog she started in 2012 to provide indies with free and effective marketing instruction.
As a marketing professional with over ten years of agency and client-side experience in software and e-commerce, Emmy’s marketing acumen spans the gamut. Emmy leverages her real-world experience to deliver campaigns that generate results, as well as lectures and articles that provide practical and actionable advice.
Emmy speaks and presents at academic institutions and conferences around the world. She also contributes to industry leading publications and educational resources, including Unity 3D’s Learning Center and Full Sail University’s GetInMedia. Emmy’s articles, interviews, presentations and keynotes are available on her blog at indiegamegirl.com.